ENGLISH VERSION BELOW Tendemos a pensar que la marca viene del pecho. Esto es incorrecto. Pues al menos no es del todo correcto según a Carlos y Mirella […]
How To Use Your Superpower: Focus
I wonder how many people have liked my post yet? Staying focused is the superpower of the 21st century. When you are focused you allow yourself to get […]
How To Improve Your Wellbeing
The theory The most IMPORTANT thing for improving your wellbeing is that… whatever you choose to do, you actually do it. But I used to find it so […]
You are not a cow, here’s why
Because you are a human. Okay, but what is a human? Well, it’s a species of animal. Okay, then what is a species? The most common definition on […]
The best productivity practises
If you have ever read an article about productivity you may have come across the Pomodoro technique, Parkinson’s law or the Pareto principle. Who are these people? How […]
Top tips for how YOU can save the climate
This is a crisis. The Climate Crisis. One of the biggest problems of our generation. But what can you do? Sometimes, I feel helpless about how I can […]
Decisive by Chip and Dan Heath, a summary
Read this summary if you want to more about: The Heath brothers give a decision making framework, this is called WRAP Widen your options Reality-test your assumptions Attain […]