How To Improve Your Wellbeing

The theory

The most IMPORTANT thing for improving your wellbeing is that… whatever you choose to do, you actually do it.

But I used to find it so hard to do that. When someone told me to meditate, eat healthier or do more exercise, I could never bring myself to do them. Life always seemed to get in the way. This is until I read Atomic Habits by James Clear. Where Clear explains the latest from psychological research. Here I share what I learnt from this book and how it can help you in your own life.

An important principle is that a new habit (such as exercising) is that the habit has to be so easy that you can’t not do it, i.e. it has to be really really easy to do.

This may seem counterintuitive because if you are only meditating for 1 minute a day is that really going to make a difference? The answer is yes, because you are mastering the art of showing up. You are making meditating (or whatever your new habit is) part of your identity. You can only improve your practise, after you actually have a practise.

Bearing in mind this principle, I suggest you have a go at one of the things mentioned below

The advice

  • After you have brush your teeth, think of at least one thing you are grateful for
  • Meditate for 1 minute
  • As the kettle is boiling, move your body, stretch up and try to touch the ceiling and then bend down to touch the floor

Or you can take whatever new habit you want to start and beak it down into its smallest possible unit. E.g. If you want to become a runner, just start by putting your shoes on.

This is not to say you can only be grateful for one thing, but rather anything above that is extra credit for yourself.

Conclusion and final advice

Behaviour change is hard. Your life is complex and busy and trying to introduce a massive change may often result in that intended change being discontinued. But by starting small and just thinking of one thing you are grateful for (or whatever your new behaviour change is). You will see big results in the future.

 But by trying one of the things above you will be moving forward on that journey.